Lice Knowledge

Lice Knowledge

  • Lice don't jump or fly.
  • Lice can live off the human body for only 24 hours because they need human blood to survive.
  • Lice are contracted mainly through head to head contact.
  • Lice can hold their breath for up to 8 hours.
  • You are more susceptible to getting lice again within the first 30 days.
  • Washing hair doesn't get rid of lice.
  • Lice don't go away on their own.
  • Keeping hair up away from your face and shoulders will help prevent getting lice.
  • Lice will suffocate with anything oil based overnight but still need to be combed out.
  • Lice don't carry germs or bacteria.
  • Lice prefer clean hair. It's easier for them to move through.
  • Dogs and cats don't get lice. They need human blood to survive.
  • Lice don't live in your house to re-infest you.
  • Pubic and body lice are different than head lice and require different treatment.
  • Lice will only lay eggs in head hair.
  • Not everyone gets itchy from lice.

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